UPDATE: Here's a picture of Kasper kickin' it in his potty patch to give you a better idea of how big it is. Unfortunately,
HE DOES NOT USE IT TO POTTY, which defeats it's whole purpose. However, when we watch our friend's dogs (small to medium sized muffins) they hop up on the patch and
GO! w/out much prodding. Comes in handy since the smaller dogs have smaller bladders, while Kasper can hold it all day. Oh well! At least he uses it for something
UPDATE: Kasper went potty on his potty patch this morning (03/05/10)! Yay! We're watching Murdoc (his GF + puppy party pal) for the weekend and she went on the potty patch w/out much urging. Kasper followed suit and I squealed w/ joy. Hopefully, he'll use it relieve himself during the day instead of holding it! :)
UPDATE: installed kasper's doggy door + picked up some free SOD off of seattle.craigslist.com! I'll be sure to post pix of the potty patch w/ SOD soon!

being the overachiever that i am (AND w/ the economy in shambles + job security @ an all time low), i needed to figure out a way to be able to work later + stay out longer w/out having to dish out the ca$h for a dog walker or doggy day-care. this basically left me w/ the following choices:
1) take a gamble + hope kaspy can hold it for 12+ hours (cruel!)
2) put a giant diaper on my dog (gross!)
3) hire a dog walker (expensive!)
4) get an indoor potty patch (gross + expensive!)
5) get a doggy door for our sliding glass door + an outdoor potty patch (super uber expensive!)
i went w/ a DIY version option no. 5.
in case you don't remember, kasper is a big boy. i'm talking 85-95 lbs of big black lab-ness! those commercial potty patches on tv + in stores are 1/6-1/8 the size kasper needs to comfortably "go". the ones built for XL dogs ran anywhere from $250 to $1000, more if you want real grass, not to mention the doggy door for sliding glass doors ran on average $250 for XL model. $500-$1250 total was way out of my budget. luckily, brad + i figured out a DIY way to make the potty patch for $100 + found the XL doggy door @
home depot for $137. the DIY project took an afternoon + we're really happy w/ the results! unfortunately, kaspy didn't take to the astroturf so i had to plant real grass since no one carries sod in the winter. :/ DIY instructions below... enjoy!
- jigsaw
- exacto knife or some sort of blade to cut stuff w/...
- drill/screwdriver
- (1) 36" x 24" plastic shelves ($50)
- (2) plastic board ($9/ea)
- (5) 6" metal braces ($.83/each)
- (2) 3" metal braces ($2.79/2 pack)
- (1) liquid nails tube ($6)
- (1) left over bag of potting soil (?)
- (1) bag of patch master ($10)
- (1) roll of duct tape ($7)
- (1) box of screws (?)
- (2) plastic handles ($1.79/each)
step 1:
- cut out the middle portion of 2 of the 4 shelves

on the left are the hollowed sheves + on the right un-hollowed shelves
step 2:
- screw in 6" braces into the inside + outside to stabilize the 2 hollowed shelves
step 3:
- screw in 3" braces for side of the top of the 2 un-hollowed shelves
step 4:
- cut-out + glue plastic board to the bottom of the braced hollowed-out shelves + let dry 24 hours
this is what it looks like after you've glued your bottom on + stacked your shelves!
step 5: (skip step 5 if you want to use real grass!)
- screw on astroturf + you're done!
step 6:
- duct tape over all the holes + create a duct tape trim around the sides
to create the trim, fold the duct tape in half + lay the folded layer, edge toward the inside, along the top of the un-hollowed shelves. next, just duct tape around the side of the un-hollowed shelves + un-fold the folded duct tape to meet the tape you just applied around the sides to make the trim!
step 7:
- lay down newspaper over the un-hollowed shelves
step 8:
- lay down a thin (1/4") layer of potting soil
step 9:
- lay down a thin layer (1/4") of patch master + sprinkle w/ water + you're done! hopefully, we'll have green green grass just days away! :)
steps 7-9 could have been avoided had there been sod in stock. unfortunately, the home improvement stores + nurseries wont be carrying it until late spring so i had to go the grow-grass-from-seeds route. bleh! anyway, should be sprouting any day now. i'll keep you posted!