i was so stoked when the palm pre first came out b/c webOS had so much potential (loved the multitasking + touchstone charging + device form factor), but ended up having way too many software and hardware problems (i'm on like my 3rd or 4th device) and the apps in the market suck! when i read
hp was liquidating their touchpads for $99 i was kicking myself for not waiting for this deal after having dropped $250 on a nook color b/c i'm a cheap ass, but realized it was running webOS and was like "oh nevermind..." since i'd be hard-pressed to buy another palm-now-hp-webOS-device ever again!
examples of some of the issues i've encountered:
• cracked screen @ micro usb port (this also happened to 2 different devices)
• too many cards error (this happens pretty regularly)
• locking up when taking photos
• stuck in headset mode (this has happened to 2 different devices)
btw, i LOVE my rooted nook! i would definitely recommend hacking it to anyone looking for a inexpensive e-book reader/interwebz/casual gaming device!