Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
itsy bitsy spider @ my workstation
perfect timing! this was seconds before chrisk called to do a remote interview...
happy clown @ lake wenatchee
i thought the place was kind of creepy with all the clowns and all, but they served breakfast all day so i was down to try it out. OMFG it was super good! i had 2 eggs + 3 thick-cut crispy bacon + hash browns! brad had an onion + mushroom + ham omlette with hash browns! mmm! can't wait to go back next year!
Monday, August 29, 2011
kahler glen golf + ski resort
nice course, but 2 thumbs down! we didn't even bother going back to hit the driving range or get our hot dogs... it was way too HOT out and there was a group of 6 in front of us, a group of 5 in front of them and another group of 5 in front of the group of 5, all of which were playing uber super SLOW! 4 is the us pga max btw. brad and i tried to skip ahead, but the group of 5 middle-aged-ladies wouldn't let us through and even tried to block us using their carts. wtf! who does that? we just left after that. i had enough sun + shit-heads for the day...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
add to cart: killer ocd tackle box
this is my old one: (see how small it is?)

this is my new one: (yay for lots of compartments!)




the top compartment:

this is my new one: (yay for lots of compartments!)
the top compartment:
add to cart
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
chip just sent me the cutest e-card!
looks like everybody's super excited about our semi-annual fish lake camping trip! i picked up a new tackle box + a bunch of new spinners! pretty stoked to get my fish on... woo!
my underarm looks like chicken skin!
i think my underarms look like nasty plucked chicken skin! i'm on my
2nd or 3rd laser hair removal session and i'm not really seeing that
much of a difference yet, but am very happy with the results from my
upper lip laser sessions so i'm hoping the pits pretty-up or
something... ack!
2nd or 3rd laser hair removal session and i'm not really seeing that
much of a difference yet, but am very happy with the results from my
upper lip laser sessions so i'm hoping the pits pretty-up or
something... ack!
ruby + xcode + macports + misc for the osx 10.5.8 g4 mac mini
no one supports leopard osx 10.5 for the g4 anymore since snow leopard and lion are the latest and greatest. i was hoping to use this bad boy as my little test machine, but i can't even get rubygems to stop barfing on me and can only find installers for intel and x86 versions of software. grr!
my shitty little g4 specs:
osx 10.5
40GB Hard Drive
1.25 GHz PPC G4
Radeon 9200
CD-RW Drive
resources i've located on the interwebz:
get xcode 3.0 for osx 10.5 here:
[save yourself some time and download this one instead!]
get xcode 3.1 for osx 10.5 here:
get fink for osx 10.5 here:
get macports for osx 10.5 here:
get git 1.6.5 for osx 10.5 here:
get skitch for osx 10.5+:
how to get ruby using macports:
i'll try to update this when i find more stuff... happy hunting!
my shitty little g4 specs:
osx 10.5
40GB Hard Drive
1.25 GHz PPC G4
Radeon 9200
CD-RW Drive
resources i've located on the interwebz:
[save yourself some time and download this one instead!]
get xcode 3.1 for osx 10.5 here:
get fink for osx 10.5 here:
get macports for osx 10.5 here:
get git 1.6.5 for osx 10.5 here:
get skitch for osx 10.5+:
how to get ruby using macports:
i'll try to update this when i find more stuff... happy hunting!
Monday, August 22, 2011
my cheeky coworkers...
the boys flooded our 2 of 4 of the founders' office with balloons! i thought it was super cute + worth sharing. i love start-ups! :)
upcoming camping weekend in leavenworth, wa
this weekend is going to be awesome! i need a vacation --- even if it's a little one! note to self for future reference: always take a break in between jobs! *sigh!*
why i won't be buying an hp touchpad even if it's only $99...
i was so stoked when the palm pre first came out b/c webOS had so much potential (loved the multitasking + touchstone charging + device form factor), but ended up having way too many software and hardware problems (i'm on like my 3rd or 4th device) and the apps in the market suck! when i read hp was liquidating their touchpads for $99 i was kicking myself for not waiting for this deal after having dropped $250 on a nook color b/c i'm a cheap ass, but realized it was running webOS and was like "oh nevermind..." since i'd be hard-pressed to buy another palm-now-hp-webOS-device ever again!
examples of some of the issues i've encountered:
• cracked screen @ micro usb port (this also happened to 2 different devices)
• too many cards error (this happens pretty regularly)
• locking up when taking photos
examples of some of the issues i've encountered:
• cracked screen @ micro usb port (this also happened to 2 different devices)
• too many cards error (this happens pretty regularly)
• locking up when taking photos
• stuck in headset mode (this has happened to 2 different devices)
btw, i LOVE my rooted nook! i would definitely recommend hacking it to anyone looking for a inexpensive e-book reader/interwebz/casual gaming device!
add to cart: ray-ban eyeglasses (model no. 5178)
i decided to drive down to the southcenter america's best sunday after my little workout class so i could re-order eyeglasses since toby decided to gnaw my two pairs to bits recently. it's about a 45 minute drive for me so when i got there only to find a gang of people and a couple employees standing outside waiting for mgmt to arrive to let everybody in i was a little upset. i waited around for about 1/2 hr before i bailed. i just wasted an hour and a half on the road, not to mention gas $! grr! so after my uneventful trip i started hunting around the internet for glasses like the one of the pairs toby chewed and got these for over 50% what i paid for at america's best from i'm a little weary since wasn't rated very well here. however, i did call the phone no. listed on the site to see if i could get a person on the line to tell me about how long the entire process takes and didn't encounter the full voicemail issues people were reporting so i've got my fingys crossed i didn't just get scammed...

i just got notice doesn't have my glasses in stock. i've opted for the following as replacements: (i'm going to be mega pissed they don't have either of these guys in stock!)
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Sunday, August 21, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
add to cart: c9 woven yoga capris x2
scored some really awesome relaxed fit woven capris at target to replace the capris i have w/ the hole in the ass crack + some other pants i'm donating b/c they fit funny --- thumbs down to fold-over yoga pants. had to alter them a bit by adding ties @ the bottom of each leg to make them look more tapered so i don't look like a yuppie eastside soccer mom. heh!
add to cart
the west memphis 3 are free!
yay for them! if you haven't already watched paradise lost (available on netflix), you should! it's a very interesting documentary about how the west memphis 3 were tried and convicted of murder based on little to no evidence just because they were a little different than the west memphis norm. more information about their release can be found here:
good as new
the seams of the cracks have been filled + sanded + are barely visible now... just needs a good wash + will be good as new! yay for quick fixes!
brad thinks my sanding job is ghetto fabulous so we're going to hit it w/ a power sander later this evening. hopefully, it'll turn out ok then... i'm just afraid the surrounding plastic will melt if we use a mechanical device to sand down just the epoxy parts. cross your fingys!toby turd is now toby the terrible
i was out running errands last night and brad called with some bad news. toby ate my yum-a-saurus pie amongst other things torn up into little shreds spread around the house! grr! he has now been officially renamed to toby the terrible! looks like it's time to setup the crate again...
Thursday, August 18, 2011
how embarrassing!
brad pointed out the lovely hole i have in the ass crack area of my pants that i wore to class yesterday! btw i think it's your duty as a fellow human being to tell people their shit is broken if you see booty crevice peeping through!
add to cart: thule frontier locking roof cargo box
this is the type of shit brad comes home to... drill is out +
sandpaper scraps everywhere + the house smells like epoxy and plastic
welding chemicals... mega score off of craigslist for $50! these
puppies retail for $300-$900. dood i bought it off of took it into a
car wash + it got mangled. luckily, there's nothing i can't fix!
cracks are sealed + all i have to do now is apply black epoxy to fill
the holes i drilled to stop the cracks!
sandpaper scraps everywhere + the house smells like epoxy and plastic
welding chemicals... mega score off of craigslist for $50! these
puppies retail for $300-$900. dood i bought it off of took it into a
car wash + it got mangled. luckily, there's nothing i can't fix!
cracks are sealed + all i have to do now is apply black epoxy to fill
the holes i drilled to stop the cracks!
yummy strawberry rhubarb pie!
if pie were a dinosaur this pie would be yum-a-saurus rex! top it off with a little crushed vanilla ice cream + that's what we call dinner! mmm!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
add to cart: groupon @ kahler glen golf for 2
pretty stoked about the killer groupon deal we scored:
golf + cart + hot dogs + beer = awesome!
golf + cart + hot dogs + beer = awesome!
add to cart
add to cart: bumblebee spicy tuna snack
i stuck a bunch of these in our golf bags so we have something to munch on while we're out on the course instead of getting suckered into buying stuff at the 9th hole snack shack. they're super yummy and inexpensive --- $1.77 at target! yay for cheap snacks!
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Friday, August 12, 2011
my sister got her wisdom teeth taken out today...
this is her after her dentist appt:

this is her after her vicodine kicked in:

text caption reads "i'm big bird!"

this is her after her vicodine kicked in:

text caption reads "i'm big bird!"
Thursday, August 11, 2011
fake nails suck!
they were just too thick or something... my typing/spelling was way off. i'm thinking they probably screwed up my golf grip too. not to mention the nasty grime accumulating underneath. i kept picking and fussing at them b/c they felt weird so they had to go! got 'em off in time for my dinner date w/ a coworker who's in town! yay! now i won't feel all nasty if i end up licking my fingers while grubbin'! heh!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
i want to design toddler pageant dresses!
holy f-bombs this could be fun...or a giant train wreck! the pink hot mess below is going for about a grand. i could totally do this! where do i get my hands on a bedazzler?
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