so i went out for a walk today... instead of buying this gorgeous black and white leather l.a.m.b purse i thought i'd hook some homeless dood up w/ some grub so i dropped by pike place market to pick up some yummy chicken strips. found the extremely scragly looking dood that posts up on 5th and union and went to hand him the bag of food and he immediately turned his back to me and said no thanks even though he's holding up a sign that says "need money for food". i feel bad for him every time i see him, but i don't want to give him $, which is why i bought the food for him and of course he turns it down. grr!
whatever! chicken strip snax for kaspy! so discouraged... :(
fuck you homeless people! you suck! when you try to help them out they don't want it. they just want $ for crack!
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